Le Grand Jeu - Forum RPG Hentai

Bonjour et bienvenue.

Ce forum présente des œuvres littéraires au caractère explicite et/ou sensible.
Pour ces raisons, il s'adresse à un public averti et est déconseillé aux moins de 18 ans.

En consultant ce site, vous certifiez ne pas être choqué par la nature de son contenu et vous assumez l'entière responsabilité de votre navigation.

Vous acceptez également le traitement automatisé de données et mentions légales de notre hébergeur.

Omegle! (non, ce n'est pas une nouvelle manière de dire Ho my god!)

Nos partenaires :

Planete Sonic Reose Hybride Yuri-Academia L'Empire d'Argos Astrya Hybride Industry Iles Mystérieuses THIRDS Petites indécences entre amis

Daclusia Khaleos



Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce site? Et bien c'est un site de discutions, où vous parlez avec un étranger de n'importe quelle origine, dans un anonymat total. A vous divulguer ou non une information vous concernant. En plus d'être une expérience interessante que de discuter avec un parfait inconnu, ça donne des résultats amusants. Comme ça:

Stranger: guy or girl?
You: Guy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Allez, à vous! o/



T'as fait un déçu XD

La brûlure de la glace, la solitude éternelle, le poids de l'immortalité... Un vampire

Nodoka Miyazaki


C'est LOL ^___^

Nava Kaul


tranger: u a man or wmaon?
Stranger: woman
You: man
Stranger: ok i dont like cock
Stranger: so i go i looking for lady
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
 or send us feedback.

ahah fort
Wish I was ocean size!



TRop drôle

Stranger: hello there
You: hello
Stranger: hi!
Stranger: (:
Stranger: :o)
Stranger: are u happy ?
You: Yes is funny
Stranger: where are you fom?
You: In French
You: and you
Stranger: I'm in portugal
Stranger: how old are you?
Stranger: I'm 18
You: 18 year
Stranger: do u live in the city or country?
Stranger: i hear so many bad stories about the cities in france
Stranger: lot of violence from gang youths from islam
You: Nante. He is little and it's havent gang
You: sorry for the English i have bad
Your conversational partner has disconnected

*se tord de rire*
Qu'est-ce qui est impossible à capturer
N'a pas d'ombre et ne me casse pas les pieds.

Réponse absolue : le silence

PS : J'aime pas les points de Kamasutra.

Thème Megame

Thème Kirin

Thème Battle



Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi !
Stranger: hi!
Stranger: ASL?
You: where are you from ?
Stranger: Mexico, and u?
You: French
Stranger: Age/Sex/Location?
You: Girl, teenager and you
You: ?
Stranger: oh..
Stranger: 25 m
You: okay ^^
You: sorry :)
Stranger: are u leaving??
You: in france
Stranger: pic??
You: pic ? what is it ?
Stranger: do you have a picture?
You: no, sorry

Excellent xD

C'est vivre et cesser de vivre qui sont des solutions imaginaires. L'existence est ailleurs.

Nava Kaul


J'ai parlé flamand avec Hollandais, cool!
Wish I was ocean size!

Nodoka Miyazaki


J'en ai marre c'est trop addictif T___T



Ils sont tendu. Ils n'attendent pas que l'on réponde.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: funny
You: Hello my name is Fiela.
Stranger: simon, nice to virtually meet u
Stranger: where u from?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Patience est mère de vertu, dans ce cas là c'est pas du tout ça
Qu'est-ce qui est impossible à capturer
N'a pas d'ombre et ne me casse pas les pieds.

Réponse absolue : le silence

PS : J'aime pas les points de Kamasutra.

Thème Megame

Thème Kirin

Thème Battle



  • Messages:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello
Stranger: hi!
You: how are you?
Stranger: fine..
You: ok cool, where are you from?
Stranger: i'm chinese
Stranger: so ,how about u
You: I come from Switzerland
Stranger: cool ,what time is it there?
You: 22:20 or 10:20 pm
You: and about you?
Stranger: 4:20 am
You: ok it is a bit different :p
You: what's your age?
Stranger: i'm 19 and a boy
You: ok like me
Stranger: how old a u
You: i'm 19
Stranger: nice
You: yeah
Stranger: so goodbye
You: yeah see ya
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Ouai c'est marrant, difficile d'avoir une conversation normale qui dure mais c'est rigolo.



En fait, le plus marrant serait de tomber sur quelqu'un du fow sans s'en rendre compte 8D

La brûlure de la glace, la solitude éternelle, le poids de l'immortalité... Un vampire

Nodoka Miyazaki


Ah ouais carrément =D
Parcontre ça m'est déjà arrivé de tomber sur le même allemand à plusieurs reprises ^^



Stranger: 你好
You: Uh.,..
Stranger: 囧
Stranger: WOW
You: ? O.O
Stranger: age sex location?
You: 16 B Quebec
You: u
Stranger: 29 B CHINA
Stranger: OH NO!!!
You: ...?

J'croi qu'il m'aime bien....Mais bon il fait peur...

Tony Marsh


Stranger: hi
You: hi !
Stranger: where you from?
You: france
You: and you ?
Stranger: merde
Stranger: holland lol
You: ah lol !
Stranger: can you explain the use of this?
Stranger: talking to strangers
You: no idea...
Stranger: same here
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

 ::) ::) ::)

Bizarre quand même ce site

Oula, j'ai même pire !

You: hi !
Stranger: /b/rother?
You: Well, I have 3 brothers
Stranger: older?
You: two older and one younger
Stranger: you mother must cook for a small football team
You: yes !!! :D
You: and you ?
You: brother/sister ?
Stranger: one younger brother
You: ok
You: where are you from ?
Stranger: belgium
Stranger: you?
You: france
You: You speak french or flamand ?
Stranger: I speak dutch
Stranger: I need to import weed
You: oki ^^
Stranger: that's my job
You: wow
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
« Modifié: mercredi 15 avril 2009, 15:58:34 par Tony Marsh »

Daclusia Khaleos


You: Hi
You: What now?
Stranger: i'm watching murder she wrote
You: What the?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

La suivante fut une dure lutte, mais j'ai finalement triomphé! HAHAHA!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Jerry?
You: I am your father
You: Woups
You: Wrong film
Stranger: Stop messing about Jerry.
You: Who's Jerry?
Stranger: So what were we talking about before I disconnected?
You: I am not Jerry
Stranger: Oh yeah, your new car.
You: .
Stranger: Alright. Big joke.
Stranger: Anyway, when can I see it?
You: You actually know we are 3500+ people here?
You: There is 1 chance on 3500 I am Jerry?
You: (see what?)
Stranger: Of course, but if I kept trying I knew I'd find you eventually.
Stranger: Only took 10 mins.
Stranger: I knew you'd be quoting Star Wars.
You: The thing is, I'm not Jerry
You: I'm Tom
You: You know, the cat that try to eat Jerry
Stranger: You always say stuff like this.
Stranger: That's exactly the shit you come out with.
You: Think what you want anyway
You: But I don't remember what you wanted to see
Stranger: Can we just drop this whole "I'm not Jerry" shit?
Stranger: The car jerry. the fucking car.
You: Ho yeah
You: Well
You: I don't have it anymoar
Stranger: Me and Mike are dying to see the thing.
You: Maybe, but I don't have it anymore
Stranger: Bad lies.
Stranger: What the fuck?
You: Well, it's about fuck actually
Stranger: You've had it like 3 days.
You: A whore took it from me yesterday
Stranger: Why did you get rid of it?
Stranger: Who?
You: I dunno
You: She had a gun
Stranger: You're not making any sense.
You: She wanted my car
You: I don't even know why
Stranger: If somehad had carjacke dit I would have heard.
You: But I didn't want to die, so I give her
Stranger: this is just another one of your bullshit excuses not to let us see it.
Stranger: Is it really as shit as Joe said?
You: Well, you're right
Stranger: I don't mind if it's third hard, it's better than nothing.
You: The thing is I'm just too lazy to let you see it
Stranger: So, what 6 o clock tomorrow?
Stranger: Go for a bit of a spin?
You: K, if you want
Stranger: I know - we could head to that place
Stranger: what's it called
You: And if I'm not dead till ther
Stranger: That track place
You: The crazy horse?
Stranger: Where you pay to have a go on the circuit.
Stranger: No no, the place you were talking about the other day.
Stranger: That rally course place
You: Hmm...
You: Sorry, don't remember
Stranger: What the fuck was it called?
Stranger: How can you not remember?
Stranger: You've been going on about it all week.
You: I'm drunk. That's why
Stranger: Is this some sort of game?
Stranger: Ha ha.
Stranger: You don't frink.
Stranger: *drink
You: I wanted to try
Stranger: You're allergic
Stranger: wait a minute
You: And it looks like I can't handle alcohol
Stranger: Are you ... actually not jerry?
Stranger: Like, not jusy pretending?
You: I
You: AM
You: NOT
You: Thanks for playing
Stranger: For real?
You: For real
Stranger: You wanker!
You: Hey, it's you who said I was
Stranger: You mean Ive been talking to you for all this time?
Stranger: Fuck's sake
You: Yes, because you didn't wanted to hear the truth
Stranger: Then you are you?
You: Yes, I am me
Stranger: What truth?
You: The truth that I'm not Jerry
Stranger: Is this still you pretending you're not you?
You: Herrr... What?
Stranger: Now come on now, seriosuly.
Stranger: What's going on?
You: You want me to explain?
Stranger: Yes. Stop arsing about and explain
You: You thought I was Jerry
Stranger: Right.
You: You didn't wanted to admit that you were wrong, so I pretended I was him
Stranger: I'm with you so far.
You: And now that you admit I'm not him
You: I tell you I am not him
Stranger: So you pretended to be someone who isn't you Jerry?
Stranger: Like a double bluff.
You: Geez, I'm lost
Stranger: Sating it was you as if it wasn't even though it weas
Stranger: So it's still you then?
You: Let's settle things
Stranger: Jerry?
You: I'm not Jerry
You: I'm Daclusia
Stranger: Right, from the beginning...
Stranger: Huh?
Stranger: Yeah, but you're pretending to be that guy.
You: My name is Daclusia (nice to meet you by the way)
Stranger: It's jerry as "not-Jerry" as "Jerry".
You: AND I pretended to be Jerry because you thought that I was
Stranger: Wow, that got me on so many levels.
Stranger: No, you're still having a laugh though.
Stranger: Do you think I'm thick?
You: Actually I'm not laughing
You: I got a headheack
Stranger: Wait
You: Or is it written Headheck?
Stranger: You're actually not Jerry?
You: That's it!
You: I'm not Jerry
Stranger: Not just Jerry pretending to be someone who isn't Jerry?
Stranger: Oh shit.
Stranger: Why did you lie o me asshole?
You: Because you thought I was Jerry
Stranger: I'm not allowed to talk to strangers on the internet
You: Me neither
Stranger: Why did you do that you lying cunt?
You: Because you didn't wanted to admit that I'm not Jerry
Stranger: You've betrayed my trust
You: What trust?
You: I don't even know you
Stranger: You're maing me look gullible.
Stranger: Fuck you Jerry.
You: .
You: Well quit then
Stranger: This sin't funny anymore
Stranger: I don't give a shit about your fucking car any more
You: Good
Stranger: You can shove it up your ass
You: Can I has a shovel with it?
Stranger: Fuck you Jerry. Fuck you.
You: Are you done yet?
Stranger: Done with your bullshit joke? Yeah
You: Alright
You: Farewell then
Stranger: I'm still confused.
Stranger: There's like a 0.01% chance you're actually not Jerry isn't there?
You: Well, it's more 0.01 % that I'm Jerry
You: 0.001 % that I'm Jerry pretending to be not Jerry
You: And 99.99 % that I'm not Jerry at all
Stranger: But we were talking in the chat, then I accidentally disconnected, so when I turn it back on again it should resume the converdation right?
You: Nope
You: It give you another Stranger
Stranger: It wouldn't just switch to some random chat would it?
Stranger: What the fuck?
Stranger: What sort of chat is this?
Stranger: I thoguht Stramger was Jerry's screen name
Stranger: *Stranger
You: Nope
Stranger: So it's like a different person each time?
You: Yes
Stranger: That's stupid.
Stranger: So how do i get back to jerry?
You: I don't know
Stranger: But I was chatting to him.
You: But I wish you good luck
Stranger: Where's he gone
Stranger: Why are there no other people in the chatroom?
You: Because it's a 1 to 1 chatroom
Stranger: Oh right.
Stranger: Can I switch it to the one with Jerry in it?
You: I don't think so
Stranger: Why not?
You: You'll have to pick random users and find Jerry
You: Because it picks someone randomly
Stranger: But that'll take ages!
You: Maybe
You: But that's your only option
Stranger: Do you know where Jerry is?
You: That I don't know
Stranger: Is there any way i can find out?
You: There isn't
Stranger: D you think that if I keep asking for Jerry it might be him?
You: Eventualy
Stranger: Okay then. I'll give it a go.
Stranger: Jerry?
You: Er...
Stranger: Jerry?
You: Not likethat
Stranger: Is that jerry?
Stranger: JERRY?
You: To find Jerry you must disconnect
Stranger: Where are all the other peopel?
Stranger: But that's howe I lost him the first time
Stranger: Jerry?
Stranger: If I do that it'll just lessen my chances
You: Well the only thing I know is if you ask here, you'll never find Jerry
Stranger: Jerry?
Stranger: Why not?
Stranger: He was here half an hour ago.
You: Because there's only the two of us here
Stranger: Jerry?
Stranger: Then we are the rest of them?
Stranger: There can't only be two people online
You: No
You: But they are each separate in a different chatroom
Stranger: But a site like this must have thousands on it
Stranger: you said so yourself
Stranger: Then which chatroom is jerry in?
You: I do not know
You: But to change your chat room you must deconnect and reconnect
Stranger: Can I invite him into this chatrroom
You: You can not
Stranger: But the last time I disconnected I lost him.
Stranger: I'm not going to risk it again
Stranger: Jerry?
You: But if you don't, you'll never find him
Stranger: Why not?
You: Because he is not in this chatroom
You: And he has no way to get in
You: NOT any
Stranger: But if he's on the site, then he's in the chatroom
Stranger: Jerry?
You: No, because there's thousands of chatrooms
Stranger: Which one are we in?
You: I don't know
You: They are not listed
Stranger: If both me and him keep skipping to different ones we have less chance of bumping into each other than if just one of us stays put.
Stranger: So I'll stay here
Stranger: and he'll find me eventually
Stranger: Jerry?
You: Well do what you want
Stranger: Jerry?
You: But if you keep calling him
You: I'm foing to speak in français
Stranger: How many people can there be in achatroom?
You: Only the two of us
Stranger: So if you left then Jerry would have space to come in?
You: It's not this simple
Stranger: Why did they make it only two.
You: If I quit, it make you quit as well
Stranger: But if I quit, then Jerry might come here and it'll only be you
You: Nope
Stranger: and you wont know where I am
You: Because if we both left
Stranger: Cause the chatrooms arent labelled
You: The chatroom will be deleted
Stranger: but if only you disconnected then jerry could gte in.
You: Yes
You: But if I disconect
Stranger: But if one of us stays and then invited Jerry in it'll be open.
You: It deconects you as well
Stranger: I'm not convnced. let's try it
You: Then try it
Stranger: You leave and I'll stay.
Stranger: and Jerry will come
You: I wont
Stranger: But how else is he going to find me?
Stranger: He knows Im in the chat
You: He'll find you if you disconnect
Stranger: But you're talking up his space.
You: And I won't disconnect because I don't take orders
Stranger: How can he find me if I disconnect?
You: He can not
Stranger: What if he disconnects, then you disconnect, but he reconnecvts while I stay connected?
Stranger: Would that work.
You: No
Stranger: Why not?
You: Because, as I sayd, if I disconnect, it disconnects you
Stranger: Oh right.
You: So if you want me to disconnect
Stranger: But what if Jerry disconnects?
You: You must disconnect
Stranger: If we do it at the same time will it cancel out?
You: It won't
Stranger: Jerry?
You: Ok gars, tu l'auras voulu
You: Maintenant je parle plus anglais
Stranger: Right, I'm going to give it a go. You stay here, and I'll disconnect.
You: Fais comme tu veux
Stranger: And if Jerry shows up, then tewll him I'm in the other chat and he has to disconnect to get me.
You: Je lui dirais
Stranger: Right, you stay connected though, and I'll disconnect.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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